
Guest Opinion: Why I oppose recall of DA Chesa Boudin

Guest Opinion: Why I oppose recall of DA Chesa Boudin

In just about seven weeks, Californians will head back to the polls to vote whether to recall Governor Gavin Newsom.

Editorial: Politicians delay while overdoses soar

Editorial: Politicians delay while overdoses soar

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jul 21, 2021

It seems like some legislators in Sacramento do not realize or do not want to acknowledge the severity of the drug overdose crisis in cities like San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letter writers opine more on the rainbow flag in the Castro and Caitlyn Jenner's surprise trip to Australia.

Editorial: Castro cultural district can unify the neighborhood

Editorial: Castro cultural district can unify the neighborhood

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jul 14, 2021

It was nearly a year ago that we editorialized in favor of raising a more inclusive Pride on the giant flagpole at Castro and Market streets.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

This week's letters sound off on the SF Gay Men's Chorus snafu and the Castro flagpole.

Editorial: BART leads on transit reopening

Editorial: BART leads on transit reopening

The announcement by BART last week was indeed a hopeful sign that we're venturing out after a year of confinement.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

Letters discuss the Progress Pride flag, the Castro flagpole, and the pink triangle.

Guest Opinion: Queer, disabled, and running for office

Guest Opinion: Queer, disabled, and running for office

The 117th Congress is the most diverse the United States has ever seen.

Editorial: Good first step by UC Regents

Editorial: Good first step by UC Regents

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jun 30, 2021

Earlier this year, gay state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced Senate Bill 379, which seeks to ensure that the University of California only contracts with medical facilities that allow the UC staff in to provide gender-affirming care.

Guest Opinion: Communities can now provide input for CA redistricting process

Guest Opinion: Communities can now provide input for CA redistricting process

Because "We the People" should select our representatives and not the other way around, the independent California Citizens Redistricting Commission, or CRC, was established in 2008 by citizen initiative.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

Longtime ally and labor union member Allan Baird thanks those who came out to acknowledge his work.

Guest Opinion: 'No Pride for some of us without liberation for all of us'

Guest Opinion: 'No Pride for some of us without liberation for all of us'

This June, South San Francisco raised the Progress Pride flag.

Guest Opinion: Kink at Pride debate newest example of straight colonization

Guest Opinion: Kink at Pride debate newest example of straight colonization

Recently, the topic of kink- and fetish-related exhibits at Pride parades has become a flashpoint within the culture war

Editorial: LGBTQ visibility is power

Editorial: LGBTQ visibility is power

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jun 23, 2021

It was a like bolt of lightning to mark the beginning of Pride week: a professional football defensive end came out as gay while still an active player, a first.